MANKATO, Minn. (April 11, 2024) – A celebration was held on April 8 to commemorate 100 years of memories of the building that was previously Minnesota State University, Mankato’s lower campus and is now the location for Old Main Village, a senior living community. This free event was proudly hosted by Old Main Village, Minnesota State University, Mankato and Blue Earth County Historical Society. Residents, family members, alumni and the public had the opportunity to learn about the iconic building’s rich history, reminisce with fellow alumni, and tour the former center of student life. This historic and momentous occasion included a ceremonial ribbon cutting, guest speakers, captivating stories, refreshments and tours.
“We were so excited for this opportunity to celebrate one of Mankato’s most historic and iconic buildings. Throughout the event, we were able to welcome back alumni, engage with community members, and share what we have to offer,” said Director of Sales & Marketing Nick Brown at Old Main Village. “This event wouldn’t have been possible without our local sponsors and co-hosts. We are so grateful to Minnesota State University, Mankato and Blue Earth County Historical Society for their contributions, support and promotion of this event. We couldn’t have asked for a better turnout. Thank you to everyone who attended and celebrated the building’s 100-year history.”
The building’s historic charm and standard of excellence continue to positively influence all who experience it. This event presented a unique chance to come together, create meaningful connections, and celebrate a century’s worth of cherished memories housed within one building.
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